Full Moon in Scorpio

Critical mass made manifest as more questions pop up seeking answers.

Pressure to meet goals opposed by the challenge of delays.

For Scorpio, there is a kind of adrenalin rush that is created through craftily seeking solutions that transforms challenges into the rebirth of new ideas and opportunities.

Scorpio knows the igniting fire of truth can set you free. Awareness and knowledge of this wisdom has a calming effect as the Sun in Taurus get ready to ingress into the sign of Gemini on May, 21st.

This Full Moon at 27 degrees Scorpio holds the energy of resolution, being at the tail end of Scorpio’s three fold journey. The brightness of the glow of this Scorpio Full Moon is the spark that lights the fire of transformation through which the Phoenix triumphantly rises up out of its own ashes. With renewed vitality, brightness and faith as it sparkles towards ingress to Sagittarius.

A playful social time ahead…..

But first this moment of energized moon lit brightness being centered within the depths of feeling as only Moon in Scorpio could.

The Sabian symbol for twenty-seven degrees Scorpio was channeled as ” A MiLITARY BAND MARCHES NOISILY ON THROUGH THE CITY STREETS.” This Scorpio Moon comes to completion with pomp and arrogance. The tense noise of domineering Western “civilization” in defense of its waning relevance seeks to stealthily establish its identity. The image expressed indicates a defensive stance. A moment of vulnerability whose terrified and fearful response to change is to shut down. With shut down heart, shut down connection to humanity, to then march on, like an automaton. Unaware of how pernicious it becomes as it opposes its own call to life through its own instinctual nature.

It brings to mind a resonance and indication of how this transit of Pluto conjunct Saturn in Capricorn is being made manifest. Every draconian law, every criminal act committed against country, society and humanity is a manifestation of holding on to old irrelevant structures. The influential power of Pluto, ruler of Scorpio is knocking these outworn structures down. Trusting that this moment while filling many of us with angst and pain is the time of clearing out decaying structures by allowing us to see how destructive they are. This then serves to make room for healthy sustainable relevant and life affirming new structures.

(The key is to stay awake and aware. To listen and to say.)

Reflect on your own life now and how you might be working your will to uphold a tradition, habit or routine to no avail. Let it go for in all likelihood it is Pluto/ Saturn transiting that part of your life. Use this time then to release and let go of that which no longer serves you. Then allow yourself the adventure of living into what does.

Enjoy this wild and wonderful moment of your life.

“Planting your feet good and solid on the ground,

Being willing to have it be so,

Because by being aware of the worst and perhaps even accepting it,

We then have everything to gain to improve upon”


Published by pjlivingsolutions

From knowledge and understanding comes the clarity that supports the integration of Self and Soul. It is with insatiable curiosity that I wonder about so many aspects of being alive and fully present here on planet Earth. I love studying the phenomena of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, weather patterns, the oceans and the formation of mountains. All this along with the awareness of Outer Space. The worlds beyond our Earth. I am in unquenchable awe about our galaxy and the galactic phenomena that surrounds our galaxy. I mean, how did we get here?!?! The IS-ness of it all is quite mind-blowing to me. And then there is Astrology. Yes, astrology defined, “ is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects.” Astrology nourishes our imagination. It connects us to the creative, non linear side of our brain. Our intuition and heart to our mind. The awareness that we vibrate through the electromagnetic elements contained in our own bodies along with the electromagnetic elements of the celestial bodies, aka the planets. It’s with intuitive psychic understanding as well as my studies in psychotherapy and the healing arts that I bring to astrology consultations. It is my deep desire to serve and help folks realize their full potential through the map of the soul, the astrology chart. It is from knowledge and understanding comes the clarity that supports the integration of self and soul. And that is a sexy way of being fully embodied, fulfilled and being alive at this magnificent moment in time.

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